Digital Marketing

Help Local Leads Find You With Google Maps Marketing

Make navigating to your business easy

Your Placement On Google’s Local Listings Could Be Costing You Leads

Is it time to improve your Google Maps ranking?
  • Are you outside of the top 3 in Google Maps local searches for your industry?
  • Have you set up your Google My Business Page and still not seeing results?
  • Are customers complaining about how hard it is to find your information online?

If you really want to be the top dog in local searches, Google Maps Marketing is where you need to set your sights. Your potential customers may be searching for you by name, organization, type of business, and of course location.

But if you haven’t optimized your information in Google Maps, you could be missing the mark in bringing in consistent local traffic and becoming known in your area as a leader in your industry. 

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Google Maps Marketing Is More Than Having A Correct Address

Is Your Business Verified?

Even if you have been in business for years, if your Google My Business listing has not been claimed and verified, you run the risk of not showing up on Google Maps. This is costing you, customers. You can’t expect people to go the extra mile to find you online when your competitors show right up when they search. Make it easy for them to find you by making sure your business is verified on Google. 

best google maps marketing with proven Results
Increase Your Local Reach 

Having a verified business on Google is great, but it is not enough to bring you the results you are looking for: increased rank on Google Maps. This increase happens with location authority. Location authority helps to expand the boundaries for your business, so you can be found at increased distances from your business. What does this mean? You can be found in more searches whether a customer is searching within a 2-mile or 10-mile radius. Increased search results mean increased rankings, which leads to increased traffic, resulting in increased revenue. A big win for your business. 

An Important Piece of Your Local SEO Puzzle

While people in your city can find you by chance or word of mouth, many locals still prefer to begin their search online. If in-person customers are key to running your business, you have to include local SEO practices, and one of the most important is Google Maps marketing. Along with an optimized Google My Business Page, your Google Maps Marketing strategy can help make finding your business a breeze for your local customers.

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A Google Maps Marketing Team Can Help You Make Sure X Really Marks the Spot

Your Maps Partner Should Value Consistency

Consistency is key in Google Maps Marketing. One of the first things your Maps partner should do is make sure your business information is consistent all across the web, not just on Google. Google pulls your info from other sites and platforms and if it’s not consistent, it can hurt your location authority and drop you down in the search rankings. 

Understand How Locals Search

Searching for an online business is different than searching for a local business. And your partner should understand these habits and tendencies so they can make sure local searches for your services are turning into foot traffic for your business.  

Committed To Deliver You Results

Keyword is commitment. Victory with Google Maps Marketing doesn’t happen overnight. Your partner should know this and they should be realistic in sharing what they can deliver and how quickly. At project kick-off, you should feel confident that they can get the job done and be patient because you know that if they do it right, the investment will be well worth it. 


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Ashlee George
Product Lead at Impact Justice
Partnering with FYLO is as simple as 1,2,3!

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Free Site Analysis and Rankings Evaluation

This is the getting to know you stage and it benefits both of us. You get your first view of how our technical expertise benefits market research and optimization.
We get to learn what’s working and isn’t working in your marketing, so we can deliver a detailed digital marketing plan to help increase the quality and quantity of your web traffic

Finalize Pricing

At other agencies, you have to talk to an account executive before you even get a hint of the cost of their service. At FYLO, our pricing options aren’t a secret. You can scroll below now and see how much you need to budget for your customized marketing plan. 
After the evaluation of your marketing needs, we further define your cost so that we can make sure you are within budget and putting every dollar to great use.

Project Onboarding

After you agree that FYLO is your ideal partner in your search to generate more leads & more revenue, and a solid strategy is in place: It’s time to get to work! We gain access to the important systems in your business including site access, hosting, domains, and other necessary channels in order for us to be a truly invested partner in seeing your business experience organic growth.


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We Have A Plan That’s Right For Your Budget

Just as no two businesses have the same organizational goals, no two businesses have the same marketing needs. This is why FYLO always provides a customized solution. No one-size-fits-all, template approach to serving our partners.

But…nobody likes surprises when it comes to money. You are getting ready to make an investment in the long-term growth of your company. A big decision. And you deserve to know what your full investment will look like. While every project is different, here is the range you can expect to invest when working with FYLO.

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